
As we enter our 23rd year, the Greyhound Adoption League of Texas has, with our dedicated team of volunteers, found loving forever homes for over 4000 Greyhounds, Sighthounds and Sighthound mixes.  Along with our Central Texas and New Mexico partners, we continue to further our mission of educating the public about the joys of Greyhound adoption.

Now more than ever we need the world to know about and support GALT and greyhound adoption. As the racing tracks in Florida closed, effective 12/31/20, hundreds of additional racing greyhounds have and will continue to be displaced. They all will need homes and we will need help with the veterinary and boarding expenses related to finding those homes. Our supporters have always stepped up to every challenge presented to our group – whether it be the closing of a racetrack, a blood bank, or a cruelty seizure – and we hope this time is no different. This past year we took in 180 retired racers and strays with serious health injuries.  We ask for your continued support in 2024, as we have been impacted in our ability to hold fundraising events this past and so far this year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We are forever grateful for your generosity and support of the hounds. 

GALT Membership dues fund incoming hounds throughout the year by assisting with the costs of medical care and boarding. We currently are averaging 50+ hounds being housed at our kennel facility at any one time with an intake waiting list. As your membership renewal date approaches, we hope you will continue your much-needed support.  We need you now more than ever. 

The costs of caring for GALT hounds and preparing them for adoption averages more than $1800 a day and with the addition of our kennel, our costs continue to rise.  2024 Memberships start at $50.00.  Depending on the level you choose, members will receive a 10 percent discount at as well as many other valuable benefits as outlined on the individual membership pages. 

Your membership will allow us to meet the challenges of the coming year, to further our mission of assisting all Greyhounds, Sighthounds and Sighthound mixes in finding loving and responsible forever homes. 


Regular price $50.00
Regular price $100.00
Regular price $250.00
Regular price $500.00
Regular price $1,500.00